The American Academy of Physician Life Care Planners is a professional organization of board certified physicians and other qualified clinical and forensic professionals dedicated to the practice and the advancement of life care planning.

The Academy is committed to the advancement of life care planning methodology, standards of practice, research and publication, and the training and education of qualified physicians.

AAPLCP’s mission is to champion the practice of life care planning by physicians, to elevate and support the discipline of life care planning through physician participation, and to educate physicians, the life care planning community, and the public about physician’s central role in life care planning.

From the American Academy of Physician Life Care Planners

A Physicians Guide to Life Care Planning:
Tenets, Methods and Best Practices for Physician Life Care Planners

A milestone contribution to the discipline of Life Care Planning, this first of it’s kind text provides physicians a strong theoretical and conceptual framework upon which to rely when life care planning, as well as a common language to help physician life care planners articulate, compartmentalize, and contextualize key life care planning concepts.

In addition, the book contains a practical, step-by-step, subject-specific guide to aid physicians in producing methodologically-sound, comprehensive, and well-formulated life care plans. Learn more...

New From The Certified Physician Life Care Planning Certification Board

CPLCP™ Exam eligibility is now open to all medical specialties recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS).

Click here for more information.